Welcome to our Newsletter for our clients and dog loving friends. We thought this would be a great way to share our adventures at Hound in the City and to keep everyone updated on our available services

We are based in London which has currently been assessed as a high risk area for COVID-19. However fortunately under the Government's Tier 2 Guidelines we can still operate. The only change for us is that we are unable to enter into our clients homes to collect and drop off pups. Instead it's a chat and 'handover' on the doorstep, 2 metres apart, wearing a mask and we can certainly manage that!
Otherwise, thankfully it's still business as usual. Since our first UK lockdown restrictions were relaxed a few months ago, this led to us receiving an influx of enquiries for puppy day care. We hadn't planned ahead for this but there are no regrets either because it's been a continuous adventure, entertaining, 'a challenge' and immensely rewarding all in equal measure.
Above: (L) Gabi - Podenco Mix and (R) Kona - Chocolate Labrador
We are in the early stages of forming a small pack who are getting to know each other through regular walks and day care. All are still puppies from only 4-8 months old with very different early life experiences and in some cases these are unknowns. Gabi the Podenco above was recently rescued from Southern Spain.
We begin with a 'trial' period, this offers an opportunity to assess lead work, temperament, skills and how the pups get along together both out on walks and back at home.
Above: (L) Autumn - Whippet, Saluki & Bedlington Cross and (R) Arlo - Whippet
Little Arlo (above) is the youngest only 4 months old and last weekend proudly graduated from puppy school with honours! It's extremely interesting to see how each of the pups learns and respond to each other.
Based in South London, we are literally spoilt for choice with many vast green spaces right on our doorstep. Everyday is a new adventure exploring the ancient woodland of Sydenham & Dulwich Woods, 98 hectares with fresh water streams at Beckenham Park Place, the wild meadows at South Norwood Country Park or taking a more leisurely stroll through Crystal Palace Park.
During our walks these are integrated with a few basic training and boundary exercises. But admittedly these can be interrupted and as you might see it is difficult not to be won over. Hmmm Kona! (below, left)
It's a pretty active day. Due to though a couple of the pups still being very young, their recall is not quite up to speed yet, so still walk on lead. However we do practice off lead work in safe, enclosed areas.
Seat belts on? Thank you for checking Ashoka but don't worry I've got this! (top, left)
We travel safely in a Nissan X Trail with a few options ... thanks to excellent equipment from Kurgo and soft crates from Maelson.
Back at home our pups enjoy a very spacious home environment, lots of freedom and access to a fully fenced 70 ft garden. Anyone happen to fancy grilled chicken for lunch?
Bookings UPDATE
Under normal circumstances (minus COVID-19 restrictions) we suggest an initial home visit to discuss your dog's requirements and ideally will include a short walk. Areas covered for dog walking and day care include: Sydenham, Beckenham, Penge, Anerley, Crystal Palace, Forest Hill & Dulwich in South London, UK.
And if you live further afield and require overnight dog boarding to get in touch to discuss. We may be able to assist and collect, take your dog back home too.
The latest COVID-19 guidelines in our area have interrupted our preferred process. However there are still good ways to overcome this through a combination of us us liaising via phone / email, where possible meeting with social distancing outside, and utilising platforms like Zoom or Skype.
DOG DAY CARE: Currently we are close to capacity for dog day care but it's still worth getting in touch
DOG WALKING: there are x 3 slots available each day (includes weekends). Each walk lasts minimum 1 hour and excludes pick up and drop off times. Walks are in the morning, lunchtime and late afternoon. These include both solo or small group walks to suit your pups needs or your preferences
OVERNIGHT BOARDING: current availability
We look forward to updating you in the near future.
Stay safe and best regards,
Joanne & Ashoka